Electroneurobiology : Brain/mind
issues : Physical production of the different affects. (Partly in:
Castellano, Français, Deutsch, English, Portuguese, Guarani)
Gobierno de la ciudad de Buenos Aires
Hospital Neuropsiquiátrico "Dr. José Tiburcio Borda"
Laboratorio de Investigaciones Electroneurobiológicas
Profesor Dr. Ramón Carrillo 375 – Buenos Aires – 1275 República Argentina
54 11 4306 7314
Correo electrónico -
¸,ø¤º°`°º¤øø¤º° neurobiol.cyt.edu.ar °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø
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Y revista Electroneurobiología
ISSN: 0328-0446
opening (in
Spanish on the next page - en castellano en la siguiente página de red:
pulse "Entrar aquí", más abajo): While neuroscience, as a
branch of biomedical research, is a tool for coping with disease, as a branch
of humanities it is a tool for fathoming the human condition. And because of
its being both, neuroscience conveys a description of people whose truth is
held grounded upon the neuroscience’s effectiveness to suggest remedies for
disease. This effectiveness makes it believable. Like any believable selfdepiction,
the neuroscientific selfportrait induces people to agree or disagree with
specific societal views and governmental measures – whereby the neuroscientific
description of people also becomes a tool for politics. It happens in a way
similar as some interests benefit and others are countered by ideas about the
human condition vehicled through, say, The Matrix’s subjectivism or
“Harry Potter”’s gnosticist denial of certain limits to one’s powers.
Electroneurobiology is the part of neuroscience studying within the brain tissue
the biologically or psychologically orchestrated fluctuations of certain
physical field, namely the electric field, that stands quite well known from
other areas of contemporary technoscience. The electric field overlaps and is
intimately coupled with another physical field, into different parcels of which
field people find their causal interactions the most immediately localized in
nature. Since we cannot yet handle or otherwise probe this later field – as it
too happens, for example, with regard to the gravitatory one – our sole current
access to this later field is the electroneurobiological coupling with it.
Thereby electroneurobiology becomes pivotal for the scientific, humanistic and
political roles accomplished by neuroscience. The journal Electroneurobiologia,
founded in 1993 as a specialized supplement of the 1939-started Folia
Neurobiólogica Argentina, covers all these roles of its branch of learning:
the humanistic roles as well as the ones in biomedical science and political
website presents open-access, full-text versions of selected articles of Electroneurobiologia, thus dealing with the themes or areas
referred to by the keywords recorded at the end of this notice – some are
non-English words, as they are used in some articles. We wish and hope to be
able of presenting the research papers with at least the abstracts in the
official languages of the Mercosur countries – Spanish, Portuguese and Guarani
– as well as other traditional
languages of Western science such as French, German and English and some others
of non-Western cultures. Yet keeping Electroneurobiologia online is not
the sole or the main effort in which the Laboratory’s scientists are engaged.
Any help to translate the abstracts or, ideally, the articles into any language
is welcome. Even preliminary drafts of such traslations are very useful, as we
can then procure to refine them. If you appreciate the importance of these
research results and can and wish help with translations or drafts into
whatever language, please contact us at the above e-mail.
Note on neuromarketing and neuroeconomics: A number of people nowadays come to this journal looking for technical insights useful to judge neuromarketing and neuroeconomics. While we cannot devote efforts to clarify for such special-purpose readers the untenable simplifications rampant in most treatments of those fields, a brief conclusive assessment may be of help and is in order here. Several articles of this journal show why functional magnetic resonance imaging, or fMRI, which measures changes in blood flow in order to ascertain the average intensity of brain-wave generating activity in different areas of the brain, cannot delve into the mind.
fMRI rather does just the same as the instrumental observation of any other behavior, i.e. accurately depicts some aspects of this bodily behavior so as to allow the observer to guess its psychological motivation – if any at all. Brain waves, far from being "the stuff of human thought", are the "movements" of the brain's electrical state – like as the movements of a limb, which also may be voluntary or involuntary – whereby the brain organ reacts either to extramental events or to mental initiatives.
Minds remain private: persuasible, maybe, but unshareable and inaugurating causal chains on private decisions. Inasmuch as consumer research improperly describes minds as purely reactive, memories as cerebral marks, and attention as driven solely by the object, the endeavor, of teaching companies around the world how to communicate strongly and instantly to the "buy button", that "part of the brain where the purchase decision takes place", and causing the 'analytical side to fall away' by putting shoppers into a "high dopamine" state, is a way for the teachers to build facade laboratories and go on making money from the companies - not for the latter to increase revenues.
Some keywords of the site: aging anencephaly
anencefalia anencéphale anesthesy anestesia
anesthesie apuirekokuaahára apy’â Aristotle
Aristote Aristóteles Aristotele artificial
life attention
atención atencional axonema
axoneme bioethics
bioética bioéthique bioetica biofísica
cerebral biophysics brain-mind
and mind-brain relationships: âme corps, cuerpo alma, cerebro mente, pensée
cerveau, Gehirn Seele relação mente-cerebro apytu’û jogueraha cadacualtez
cadacualtic cadacuáltico cadacualtique causality
causalidad causalidade cellular
cognition cilia
ciliary cognition
cognitive neuroscience coma consciousness
consciencia conscience conciencia esprit corteza
cerebral cortex Hirnrinde cervello Apytu’ûme demencia
dementia electroencefalogram
electroencefalograma électroencéphalogramme electroestimulation
electroestimulación electroneurobiology tajurekokuaa aratirindy pegua electroneurodynamics
electroneurodinámica engram
engrama epistemology evoluzione
evolución evolution existencialidad Gehirnforschung
Hirnforschung gnoseology
gnoseología gnoseologie gnoseologia guaraní guerre
de velours haguâ hibernation hibernación
hibernação histoire
de la science history
of ideas: species-expressa/impressa teología eucaristía theology interference
patterns hologram javykyháva learning
life artificial intelligence massa física physical mass mba’ekuaarâ memory
and learning memoria aprendizaje jeheka Gedächtnis
lembrança recall recordação recordar mind definition definição de mente definición ñângareko nervous
system evolution origen del sistema nervioso évolution du systême nerveux neural
networks neurobiology
neurobiologia tajurekokuaahápe neuropsychiatry
neuropsiquiatría noergia
noergy nous
poietikos ontology
of consciousness paleontology
paleontología person
persona personne philosophical
anthropology antropología filosófica anthropologie philosophique philosophy
philosophical anthropology philosophie filosofía filosofia physiology
instant Precambrian
functions of relation psicofisiologia
ângarekokuaaha ângarekokuaahápe psychiatry psychism
psiquismo psychology
psicología psychologie psychopathology
psicopatología reptile sanitarismo schizophrenia science semovience
semovient semoviencia semoviente shock
electroshock sistema
nervioso système nerveux sistema nervoso sleep
biophysics sociology
of neurobiology sociology of neuroscience sociología neurobiológica
sociologie soul
Seele Seelenforschung special
relativity joguerahaviárava sueño
sommeil soñar sono sonhar sonho tajurekokuaa aratirindy
peguápe tasyo iñakâme hasývape
guuarâ mba’ekuaavetehára tavao Buenos Aires pegua tetemirîete time
perception percepção do tempo interval transform tuminguaave’ ultrahistory
ultrahistoire ultrahistoria vegetative
estados vegetativos vorengarekokuaápe guarâ Occasional topics: satisfaction neuromark attractivité des produits impact des messages sur le cerveau neuroestrategy memetic attenuation brains respond to advertising and other brand-related messages entornos polisensoriales ergonomía neuromarketing hedonist neuroestrategies neuroeconomics neuroeconomía neuroeconomist corporate advertising political brain scan medial prefrontal cortex gehirnabläufe denkprozesse brain waves branding comunicación polysensory environments from ergonomy to neuromarketing buy button reward centers of men's and women's brains neuro-associating the product with images and branding messages from commercials secret shopper undercover marketing neurolinguistische programmieren programmazione neurolinguistica programacion impulso all’acquisto efficacité commerciale memetics gehirnforschung hirnforschung neuropädagogik brainwashing neurotheologie motive der einkäufer konsumenten marketing-beratung verkaufstraining marketing unbewusste emotionen neurosense neural correlates of behavioral preference for culturally accepted products marketing-related diseases political propaganda more effective promotion of degraded values efficacité de persuasion cerveaux cerveau reptilien hedonisme neurones décideurs consumer preference mercantilismo hedonista botón del deseo placer en el cerebro positivdenker powerseller neuromarketer patrick renvoisé justine meaux steven quartz christophe morin nestor braidot read montague clint kilts brighthouse thought sciences neuro-marketing néstor braidot marca asociaciones de ideas desafío pepsi challenge neuro-imagerie neuroimágenes neuroimage neuroimages neurobabble neurodiversity retail anthropology pepsi-problem neurostrategien neuroökonomen Some people names (and misspellings) employed in the historical treatments: Vicente
Tamini Vicente
Fidel López Saturnino Salas Carlos Tejedor José Mármol Esteban Echeverría Miguel Cané Marcos Paz Antonio Aberastain Miguel Ángel Materazzi Cornelius
Ariens Kappers Juan
Bautista Alberdi Alberto
Alberti Amancio
Alcorta Avellaneda José T.
Borda J. T. Borda José Tiburcio Borda Ramón
Carrillo Indalecio
Cortínez Constantin von Economo Juan
Carlos Goldar Christfried
Jakob Christofredo Jakob Cristofredo Jakob Cristofredo Jacob Christfried Jacob Braulio
Moyano Braulio Aurelio Moyano Raúl
Garabelli Richard
Sudnik Ricardo Sudnik Octavio
Mossotti Ottavio Fabrizio Mossotti Diego
Luis Outes Diego Outes Jacinto Carlos Orlando Fernando Orioli Mariano
Celaya Ricardo
Mandolini Guardo Rodolfo
Mondolfo Osvaldo
Loudet Eugenio
Pucciarelli Bruno
Piccione Alicia
Moreau de Justo José
Ingenieros Clemente
Onelli León
Ostrov Fidias
Cesio Felipe
Cia Felipe Cía Juan José
Morgan José
Bleger Luis Grinstein Antonio
Fernández Pereiro Jorge
Fernández Amallo José
Luis Ravello Rogelio
Driollet Laspiur Luis Felipe
García de Onrubia Tomás
Masciti Mario
García Acevedo Hideo
Tsuchiya Hideo Antonio
Berciani Antonio Ber Ciani Antoine
Berthou Antonio Berthou José
Cohen Tarica Domingo Cabred Francisco de Veyga Rodolfo Senet Víctor Mercante Antonio Vidal Rodolfo Rivarola Nicolás Matienzo Norberto Piñero Horacio G. Piñero Horacio Piñero Alfredo Calcagno Carlos Rodríguez Etchart Juan Cuatrecasas Arumí Pio del Rio Hortega Pío del Río Hortega Justina Acevedo de Botet Felipe Botet Buenaventura Bosch Gonzalo Bosch Atlántico Francia Mariano Alurralde Frank L. Soler Frank Soler Amable Jones Nerio A. Rojas Nerio Rojas Enrique Mouchet Victor Mercante Aníbal Ponce Anibal Ponce Alberto Palcos Juan Peron Juan Domingo
Perón Cesare Lombroso César Lombroso Theodor Ziehen Karl Kleist Xavier
Zubiri Aquinas Aquino Guillermo
Furlong Círculo Médico Argentino
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