Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires

Neuropsychiatric Hospital "José Tiburcio Borda"

Laboratory of Electroneurobiological Research

and Journal


ISSN: 0328-0446


The nervous principle:

active versus passive electric processes in neurons



Danko Dimchev Georgiev

Electroneurobiología 2004; 12 (2), pp. 169-230; URL <>



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Abstract: This essay presents in the first section a comprehensive introduction to classical electrodynamics. The reader is acquainted with some basic concepts like right-handed coordinate system, vector calculus, particle and field fluxes, and learns how to calculate electric and magnetic field strengths in different neuronal compartments.


Then the exposition comes to explain the basic difference between a passive and an active neural electric process; a brief historical perspective on the nervous principle is also provided. A thorough description is supplied of the nonlinear mechanism generating action potentials in different compartments, with focus on dendritic electroneurobiology. Concurrently, the electric field intensity and magnetic flux density are estimated for each neuronal compartment.


Observations are then discussed, succinctly as the calculated results and experimental data square. Local neuronal magnetic flux density is less than 1/300 of the Earth’s magnetic field, explaining why any neuronal magnetic signal would be suffocated by the surrounding noise. In contrast the electric field carries biologically important information and thus, as it is well known, acts upon voltage-gated transmembrane ion channels that generate neuronal action potentials. Though the transmembrane difference in electric field intensity climbs to ten million volts per meter, the intensity of the electric field is estimated to be only ten volts per meter inside the neuronal cytoplasm.


Table of Contents


Classical electrodynamics.......................................................... 173

Right-handed coordinate systems............................................... 173

Vectors.................................................................................... 173

Gradient................................................................................... 174

Particle and Field Fluxes............................................................ 175

Electric field............................................................................. 175

Electric currents........................................................................ 178

Magnetic field........................................................................... 179

Electromagnetic induction.......................................................... 181

Maxwell’s equations.................................................................. 182

Electric and magnetic fields in neurons..................................... 185

Passive electric properties - cable equation................................. 188

Spread of voltage in space and time........................................ 191

Assessment of the electric field intensity................................. 192

Propagation of local electric currents....................................... 192

Active electric properties - the action potential............................ 193

Nernst equation and diffusion potentials.................................. 193

Resting membrane potential................................................... 194

Generation of the action potential........................................... 195

Dendrites................................................................................. 200

Electric intensity in dendritic cytoplasm................................... 202

Electric currents in dendrites.................................................. 205

Magnetic flux density in dendritic cytoplasm............................ 205

Active dendritic properties...................................................... 208

Neuronal somata....................................................................... 215

Axons...................................................................................... 216

The Hodgkin-Huxley model of axonal firing.............................. 217

Passive axonal properties....................................................... 220

Electric intensity in the axonal cytoplasm................................ 222

Magnetic flux density in axonal cytoplasm............................... 222

Electric fields in membranes...................................................... 223

References................................................................................. 224



Calcule intensidades eléctricas y magnéticas en cada compartimiento neuronal: " The nervous principle: active versus passive electric processes in neurons " (Explains how to calculate electric and magnetic field strengths in different neuronal compartments) (LONG FILE in English with Bulgarian, Russian and Spanish abstracts) 

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