Gobierno de la ciudad de Buenos Aires

Hospital Neuropsiquiátrico "Dr. José Tiburcio Borda"

Laboratorio de Investigaciones Electroneurobiológicas

y Revista


ISSN: 0328-0446

A visual yet non-optical subjective intonation:

una entonación subjetiva visual pero no óptica



enviada por / contributed by

Ronald C. Blue

Assistant Professor of Psychology, Lehigh Carbon Community College, Allentown (Pennsylvania Area), U.S.A.,

con comentarios de  / with commentarties by

Mariela Szirko


Electroneurobiología 2005; 13 (3), p. 299 - 300; URL <http://electroneubio.secyt.gov.ar/non-optic_visual_intonation.htm>


 English and Spanish text / Texto castellano e inglés


Copyright © 2005 del autor / by the author. This illusion has been promoted by Professor Michael Bach, University of Freiburg, since May 2005, who declared it invented by Jeremy Hinton: cf. http://www.michaelbach.de/ot/col_lilacChaser/index.html . Esta es una comunicación de acceso público; su copia exacta y redistribución por cualquier medio están permitidas bajo la condición de conservar esta noticia y la referencia completa a su publicación incluyendo la URL original (ver arriba). / This is an Open Access article: verbatim copying and redistribution of this article are permitted in all media for any purpose, provided this notice is preserved along with the article's full citation and original URL (above).


We are very grateful to Prof. Bach for contributing the controllable version below. With the “Colour±” button one can switch to other colors and observe the respective opponent color. [Remember to fixate for a while, because the adaptation to the previous colour subsists for several seconds.] Prof. Bach also mentions: "It may surprise you that the complementary colour to red is not green (as mentioned in many textbooks), but blue-green. The color pickers further down let you explore the full range of colours, including the effect of the background colour." He also indicates that the experience of leaving only a rotating green spot is easier if one reduces saturation to, e.g., appr. 20%. - Agradecemos al profesor Bach por aportar la versión controlable que sigue. Con el botón “Colour±” uno puede cambiar de color y observar el color oponente respectivo. [No deje de fijar un rato la visión, porque la adaptación al color previo subsiste algunos segundos.] El profesor Bach asimismo menciona: "Puede sorprender que el color complementario del rojo no sea el verde, como muchos manuales indican, sino verdiazul. Los selectores de color más abajo permiten explorar el rango completo de colores visibles, incluso los efectos del color de fondo." También señala que la experiencia de dejar sólo un redondel verde rotante se logra con más facilidad si uno reduce la saturación en, digamos, alrededor de un veinte por ciento.



If the Flash object does not appear, an alternative .gif version is below the text. - Por si el objeto Flash no apareciera en su pantalla, otra versión (.gif) ha sido puesta debajo del texto de este artículo.


    Si aquí arriba sigue con la mirada el "movimiento" del botón rosado que rota, verá las figuras sólo de un color: rosa, o lila. Estos son los tonos en que el efecto se ve mejor y por eso la ilusión suele denominarse el perseguidor rosado, pero en otros colores también se ve. Si fija su mirada en la cruz del centro, el "botón rotador" se volverá verde. Concéntrese en mirar la cruz del centro: tras breve lapso, gradualmente todos los botones rosa desaparecerán y verá un solo botón verde rotando. Se detecta y distingue así algo de lo que aporta nuestro cerebro a lo que vemos, para combinarse a lo que aporta nuestro psiquismo (memorias) y a lo que aporta la escena exterior (la imagen óptica): realmente no existe en esta página de red ningún botón verde y los de color rosado realmente no desaparecen.


    "Esto debería ser evidencia suficiente de que no siempre percibimos lo que creemos ver", expresa una apostilla muy reiterada que suele acompañar a esta ilusión. La neuroactividad sensorial generada por la imagen óptica determina un estado neuroeléctrico que, en el modo indirecto explicado en otros artículos de este sitio de red (por ejemplo, Effects ...), afecta causalmente al psiquismo circunstanciado en ese cerebro, determinando nómicamente su entonación con el color verde atribuído al botón rotante. Puede también decirse - y a veces se dice - que ese verde no es de origen sensorial, en el sentido de que no refleja ninguna entidad sensible que haya debido ponerse en la imagen óptica y exista en la figura aparte de su procesamiento neural (el rosa, en cambio, sí exige poner en la figura una pigmentación u otro medio que específicamente determine la sensación que llamamos color rosa), sino de origen sensual, en el sentido de que refleja el estado neuroeléctrico creado en el órgano cerebral por su procesamiento de tal figura, la que en modo directo sólo genera la sensación de color rosa. En efecto, este verde que usted ve en esta página de red (mejor dicho, que le atribuye a ella erróneamente, aunque ello resulte biofiláctico, es decir adaptativamente provechoso) proviene de la captura selectiva y objetalización de las postimágenes, con simultánea exclusión (por inhibición neural) de las imágenes experienciadas como color rosa originantes de dichas postimágenes experienciadas como color verde.


    Christofredo Jakob denominaba, a todas las entonaciones, "entonaciones subjetivas", ya que todas lo son: entonan al psiquismo o existencialidad, también llamado el observador o el "sujeto". De ahí la palabra empleada, entonaciones "subjetivas". Esto no quiere decir que realidades como este verde no sean reales, ni que no puedan producir efectos causales eficientes, sino simplemente que son modificaciones del sujeto. La neurobiología argentina fue la primera de las ciencias naturales que reconocieron estudiar y hallarse ante una naturaleza que incluye psiquismos. En otras áreas culturales generalmente campeaba el platonismo; se suponía así que el observador era externo y opuesto (jhorismós) a la naturaleza, de modo que las ciencias naturales no podían ni definir al psiquismo ni estudiar siquiera sus interacciones causales; véase ¡Alma 'e reptil! in fine. Esa atrasada perspectiva científica se globalizó hacia 1990 debido a tres motivos: la circunstancia de que quienes la sostenían tuvieron el acceso más temprano a las tecnologías baratas de comunicación mundial; su desconocimiento de las tradiciones foráneas como la nuestra; y el silenciamiento de las noticias que pudieran comprometer las fuentes de financiación o el prestigio académico de quienes primero accedieron a esas tecnologías. Por eso todavía se encuentran, y ahora incluso entre nosotros, repetidores desinformados que afirman que el psiquismo (la "consciousness", dicen) no se puede definir objetivamente y que tampoco puede el psiquismo producir efectos por sí mismo. Por el contrario, tal existencialidad o psiquismo es también objetivo, es decir capaz de interacciones causales eficaces para producir efectos invariantes en todos las perspectivas o marcos de referencia (véase ¿Por qué en relatividad el tiempo depende del marco de referencia?). Así, pues, lo que realmente es - o la consistencia óntica - del verde atribuído al botón rotador es ser una diferenciación (en el sentido anatómico de la palabra, o tal como se van diferenciando entre sí las partes de un preparado microscópico según sus diferentes tingibilidades, o las partes de una fotografía analógica a medida que progresa su revelado) del psiquismo o existencialidad del caso. Esta consistencia óntica es la objetividad de lo subjetivo (Mario Crocco) o la entidad causalmente eficaz para interactuar propia del psiquismo sensualmente entonado. En este caso, la entonación subjetiva (verde) es sensual pero no sensorial: la existencialidad ha sido entonada sensualmente pero no sensorialmente.


    El carácter sensual no sensorio de estas vivencias entonativas del psiquismo no es nada excepcional o inaudito. El lector, tras observar las reacciones de su existencialidad (o psiquismo) ante la figura precedente, puede apartar la vista o cerrar los ojos y reimaginar la sensación verde, poniendo su cerebro a producírsela, sin ninguna intervención periférica (ocular, para este tipo de sensaciones); o bien con esta, por ejemplo eligiendo ese mismo tono de verde de un muestrario de pinturas o de una carta colorimétrica a la vista. En ambos casos, esto es, tanto al imaginar cuanto al mirar dicho tono de verde, el estado electroneurobiológico creado por las imágenes (imaginadas o vistas) es el mismo que el creado por las postimágenes de la figura animada inicial de este artículo.




    If, in the animated figure at the outset of this article, your eyes follow the "movement" of the rotating pink dot, you will only see one color in the dots, some hue of pink, magenta, or lilac. If you stare at the black + in the center, the "moving dot" turns to green. Now, concentrate on the black + in the center of the picture. After a short period of time, all the pink dots will slowly disappear, and you will only see a green dot rotating. A bit of what our brain contributes to what we see, in this fashion, is detected and told apart from what our psyche (memories) contributes and what the outer scene (the optical image) contributes. There really is no green dot on this webpage, and the pink ones really don't disappear.


    "This should be proof enough, we don't always see what we think we see", as it claims a remark that very often goes with this illusion. The sensory neuroactivity generated by the optical image sets up a neuroelectric state that, in the indirect way explained in other articles of this website (e.g., Effects ...), causally affects the psyche (mind) circumstanced to that brain, nomically determining this mind's intonation with the green color attributed to the "rotating dot". It may also be said – as is sometimes said – that such a green is not of sensorial source, meaning that it does not reflect any sensable entity that should have been placed in the optical image and which should exist in the figure independently of its neural processing (the pink color, instead, requires introducing in the figure a pigment, ink, or other means which specifically determined in the observer the sensation that we call pink color), but that such a green is rather of sensual source, meaning that it reflects the neuroelectric state created in the brain organ by its processing such a figure, which figure or optical image in direct mode only generates the sensation of pink color. Thus, the green that you see in this webpage (rather, that  you adaptively but erroneously attribute to this webpage) arises from the selective capture and objectifying of the afterimages, with simultaneous exclusion (enacted by neural inhibition) of the images experienced as pink color (which images generate the said postimages experienced as green color).


    Christfried Jakob termed all of the mind's intonations "subjective intonations," because so indeed is every one of them: they intonate the psyche, mind, or existentiality, also called the observer, or the "subject". Whence the term utilized, "subjective" intonations. This term does not mean that realities such as this green are not real, nor does it mean that they would be unable to efficiently produce causal effects; but, that they are modifications of the subject. The Argentinian neurobiology was the first of the natural sciences which recognized its being investigating and facing a nature that includes psychisms. In other cultural areas, Platonism was rife and observers were generally supposed to be external and opposite (jhorismói) to nature, in such a way that the natural sciences could neither define psychisms (minds) objectively, nor even study their causal interactions; see ¡Alma 'e reptil! in fine. Such unadventurous scientific outlook became globalized around 1990 because of the differential early access to cheap communication technologies, the unacquaintance with foreign traditions (such as the ours), and the silencing of the news that might compromise the funding sources or academic prestige of whom first had access to those communication technologies. This is why misinformed repeaters may still be found, now even here, affirming that psyche or "consciousness" cannot be objectively defined, and that it cannot produce causal effects by itself. In fact, on the contrary, such existentiality, mind, or psyche is also objective, namely able to produce by itself effects which remain invariant in every perspective or reference frame; see Why is Time Frame-dependent in Relativity? Therefore, what the green attributed to the rotating dot really is, i.e. its ontic consistency, is its being a differentiation (in the anatomical meaning of this word; or, such as the parts of a microscopic preparation become differentiated among themselves as per their different afffinity to the employed inks; or also such as the parts of an analogical photograph do along with the revealing of its latent image) of the incumbent mind or existentiality. This ontic consistency is the objectivity of the subjective (Mario Crocco), or the sensually-intonated psyche's entity causally efficacious to interact. In our present case, the subjective intonation is sensual but no sensorial: the observing mind, psyche, or existentiality has been intonated sensually but not sensorially.


    The sensual non sensory character of these Erlebnissen or experiences intonative of the psyche is not anything exceptional, or inaudite. The reader, after observing the reactions of her or his existentiality (mind, psychism, or psyche) when facing the initial animated figure of this article, may glance to another side or shut the eyes and then reimagine the particular green, putting her or his brain to produce it, without any peripheral intervention (ocular, for this class of sensations); or either with this intervention, e.g. choosing the very hue of green from a sample catalog of paints or from a colorimetric chart kept at sight. In both cases, namely as well when imagining it as when staring at the said catalog's shadow of green, the electroneurobiological state created by the images (whether imagined or seen) is the same that the electroneurobiological state created by the afterimages of the initial animated figure in this article.


The effect's production, explanation slightly modified from a Wikipedia entry written by Robert O’Shea, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lilac_chaser : The "Lilac chaser" illusion combines three simple, and well-known effects. First, when a visual event occurs briefly at one place in the visual field, and then a similar event occurs at an adjacent place in the same visual field, we see movement from the first place to the second. This is called apparent movement or beta movement, because no actual movement has occurred. The visual events are the disappearances of the pink dots. Initially, we see something moving around the circle of pink dots, as though something dark has passed over them, the visual event being a disappearance. Apparent movement is the basis of moving neon signs, film, and video. We see movement ("rotating pink dots") because such displays stimulate receptors in our brain's visual_cortex whose activity is experienced as movement. Second, when a pink stimulus that is presented to a particular region of the visual field for a longish time (say 10 seconds or so) disappears, a green afterimage will appear. The afterimage lasts only a short time, and in this case is effaced by the reappearance of the pink stimulus. The afterimage is a simple consequence of adaptation of the rods and cones of the retina. Neuroactivity generating color sensation is encoded by the ratios of activities in three types of cones. The cones stimulated by pink get "tired". When the stimulus disappears, the tiredness of some of the cones means that the ratios evoked by the grey background are the same as if a green stimulus had been presented. Adaptation of rods and cones begins immediately as they are stimulated, so afterimages also start to grow. We normally do not notice them because we move our eyes about three times a second, so the image of a stimulus constantly falls on new, "fresh", unadapted rods and cones. In this case, we keep our eyes still, so the afterimages grow and are revealed when the stimulus disappears. Third, when a blurry stimulus is presented to a region of the visual field away from where we are fixating, and we keep our eyes still, that stimulus will disappear even though it is still physically presented. This is called Troxler's fading. It occurs because although our eyes move a little when we are fixating a point, away from that point (in peripheral vision) the movements are not large enough to shift the pink dots or disks to onto new neurons of the visual system. Their afterimages essentially cancel the original images, so that all one sees of the pink disks is grey. These effects combine to yield the remarkable sight of a green spot running around in a circle on a grey background when only stationary, flashing pink spots have been presented.







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Historia de las experimentaciones:

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Table of Contents (partial) of "Sensing: a new fundamental action of nature" (English) -- Índices



Recepción de los aportes de Chr. Jakob en la neurobiología germana


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   The comments on Professor Christfried Jakob's contributions made in 'The Cytoarchitectonics of the Adult Human Cortex' by Professors Constantin, Baron von Economo, and Georg N. Koskinas, rendered in English by Prof. H. Lee Seldon (English)

You can download a .PDF (673 kB: recommended) or .DOC (1.29 MB) file for printing this work.


Los comentarios de Economo y Koskinas sobre las contribuciones de Christofredo Jakob, traducidos por M. Szirko (Castellano: todavía no disponible)


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Recepción de los aportes de Chr. Jakob en la neurobiología y la sociedad argentina


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Iniciado: Nov. 1993. Última revisión general: 1º Mayo 1998

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